The course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 9-10:30 am in Broad 100.
TA office hours are Mondays 9–10 am and and Fridays 2–3 pm in B123 Kerckhoff.
Instructor office hours are Wednesdays 1-2 pm in B123 Kerckhoff.
The due dates and schedule below are tentative and subject to change.
Due dates
All due times are 9 AM PST, unless otherwise specified.
- Th 01/09
- Homework 0 (not submitted)
- Tu 01/14
- Homework 1
- Tu 01/21
- Homework 2
- Tu 01/28
- Homework 3
- Tu 02/04
- Homework 4
- Th 02/06
- Midterm exam
- F 02/07
- Midterm exam
- Tu 02/18
- Homework 5
- Tu 02/25
- Homework 6
- Tu 03/04
- Homework 7
- Tu 03/11
- Homework 8
- M 03/17
- Final exam
- Tu 03/18
- Final exam
- Tu 01/07
- Why study biophysical chemistry?
- Th 01/09
- Mass action kinetics
- KKW sections 15.1–15.10
- WTHS sections 1.5.3, 2.1, and 3.2
- Tu 01/14
- Analytical solutions of chemical kinetic equations
- Numerical solution of chemical kinetic equations
- Th 01/16
- Enzymatic catalysis
- KKW chapter 16
- WTHS sections 4.1–4.3.3
- Tu 01/21
- Measurement of chemical rates
- KKW chapter 15.15–15.21
- WTHS sections 2.6, 2.7, and 3.4
- Th 01/23
- Catch-up
- If you are interested in bioreactors, read WTHS section 7.3
- Tu 01/28
- Mathematical preliminaries for thermodynamics: Probability, Lagrange multipliers,and others
- KKW chapter 7.1–7.14
- Th 01/30
- Entropy as ignorance (and math review of Lagrange multipliers)
- KKW chapter 7.15–7.19
- DB pages 66–72
- Tu 02/04
- The Boltzmann distribution
- KKW section 6.10
- DB chapter 5
- Th 02/06
- Midterm exam
- F 02/07
- Midterm exam
- Tu 02/11
- Thermodynamic potentials
- KKW chapters 8C and 9
- DB chapters 6 and 8
- Th 02/13
- Thermodynamic relations
- KKW chapter 10.1–10.11
- DB chapter 15
- Tu 02/18
- Thermodynamic stability
- KKW chapter 12A, section 12.23
- WTHS sections 3.1, 3.7, and 3.8
- Th 02/20
- Solution thermodynamics I
- KKW chapter 14
- WTHS section 3.3
- Tu 02/25
- Solution thermodynamics II
- KKW chapter 17A
- Th 02/27
- Electrochemistry
- KKW chapters 17B and 17C
- WTHS sections 3.3, 8.1, and 8.2
- Tu 03/04
- Transport by thermal diffusion
- KKW chapter 18C
- Th 03/06
- Analytical methods
- KKW chapter 10D, 18A
- Tu 03/11
- Course wrap-up
- M 03/17
- Final exam
- Tu 03/18
- Final exam
Lecture schedule
Below is an approximate lecture schedule. I say "approximate" because some topics will be covered in less that one lecture and others in more. Listed with many of the lectures are suggested readings from Kuriyan, Konforti, and Wemmer (KKW), Wittrup, Tidor, Hackel, and Sarkar (WTHS), and occasionally Dill and Bromberg (DB).
You may download the lecture notes. They are in draft form and may be updated throughout the term.