
Course content

This course covers primarily chemical kinetics and thermodynamics applied to biomolecules, including analytical techniques. It serves to lay groundwork for future studies in our undergraduate Bioengineering curriculum.

There is no required text for the course, but the following texts are particularly useful.

You are strongly encouraged to acquire both of these books. Additionally, Molecular Driving Forces by Dill and Bromberg is a good resource. The out-of-print book Physical Chemistry with Applications to the Life Sciences by Eisenberg and Crothers is also a good, more detailed reference. All four of these books are available on reserve at the Caltech library.


Most of the course material will be delivered in lecture, held Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9-10:30 am PST, in Broad 100. Attendance at lecture is mandatory.

Lectures are a very important time for me to interface with you. As we have discussions in lecture, we both learn, and I get a good idea of how you are doing with the material. I therefore often find it distracting when students use laptops in lecture. Therefore, no laptops are allowed in lecture. Tablets may be used only for notetaking purposes and cell phones must be completely silenced and put away.

I also strongly recommend you attend instructor and/or the TA office hours.


We will have roughly weekly homework assignments. They serve to provide practice and reinforcement of the content discussed in lecture. There may be some problems that do not have "right answers," but are aimed at making you think about the central concepts of the course. Following are homework policies.


There will be two exams, a midterm and a final. Details about the exams will be available close to when the exams are released. They will most likely be oral exams in the following format: You will have one hour to work on problems immediately before a half-hour in-person presentation of your solutions. Grace days may not be applied to exams. If you need special arrangements for exams for health or other reasons, please contact the course instructor as far in advance as possible, and no later than one week before the exam.


Your grade will be determined as follows.

For any regrade requests, the entire assignment or exam may be regraded.

You must complete all homeworks and both exams to pass the course. Note that you can turn in homework after all grace days are spent (but before the official end of the term) in order to ensure passage of the class, even though you will not receive points for the late homework. Homeworks or exams that are nullified due to Honor Code violations are not considered complete, and you will therefore not pass the class if you violate the Honor Code.

Course communications

Use the class Ed page for questions related to course topics and homework. Almost all of our mass communication with you will be through Ed, so be sure to set your Ed account to give you email alerts if necessary. You should use Ed for all communications except for issues of a personal nature, such as excuses for illness, in which case you should contact the course instructor directly via email.


When posting on Ed, please follow these guidelines: